Thursday 8 January 2015


May the unconditional and undiluted LOVE of GOD find expression through you at all times.
May it be so strong that it brings hatred to its knees.
May you find LAUGHTER in a sea of tears. Laughter so boisterous that it makes the sea of tears insignificant.
May you find CALM, one so soothing and reassuring even when you face the storm.

May your barns OVERFLOW with plenty, that lack becomes a stranger.
For those you INSPIRE; may they never find a reason to bow their heads in disappointment.
For the ones who INSPIRE you, may their tree of inspiration never wither.
In brokenness, may you find MENDING
In pain, may you find HEALING
May you have an abundance of HEALTH, that sickness becomes history.

When life becomes like winter, cold and biting; may you find in GODs ,embrace a warmth like blanket
CLARITY in confusion; FAITH in fear; LIGHT in Darkness; ESTEEM in insecurities and PEACE in chaos.
May you SHINE so BRIGHT, that those in the dark can use your LIGHT to find redirection.
May you be a hand that REACHES OUT to help/lift; not a leg that kicks down.

Above all, may you be ALL that GOD wants you to be; all that you DESIRE to be; all you ever DREAM to be and MORE!

Peaches and Cream...

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