Sunday, 8 July 2012

Letter to my Father.......

Dear Father

I hope this letter finds you well. I know i don't need to worry about it, because your love makes it easy for you to open up your arms to us and smile at the little gratitude we show . Without being cocky or "in over my head" , it is safe to say that it will find you well.

I look around me and i am reminded of your magnificence, your grandeur, and your awesomeness even in the seemingly little things we take for granted. So bit by bit i soak it all in , the scenery, diversity, greenery, rocky, and the planes. You said "they were all good" ,  and i can't help but agree with you; although i think 'good' is an understatement. From the eyes of a child , i dare say they are brilliantly perfect and humbling.

You told the sea how far it could go; you put the sun and the moon in their place, telling them when to show up and never have they for once missed their schedule. You told the mountains just how high they could go and the valleys just how deep they could be, and never for once did they swap places or duties. The clouds are like master strokes from the brush of a talented and divine artist and they've always been blue and white in the day and black and grey at night; but never for once have we gotten bored with these colors. They seem to always look pretty and new every day; i wonder if people notice.    

The beasts of the fields, the sea animals, the birds of the air, with different sounds, different attributes, different roles and different strategies for survival. As numerous as they are, i have never heard the dog roar, the lion bark or the birds neigh; who has such power to designate to millions of creatures that which makes them unique? Never for once have they swapped roles, heck! they even know to move in groups. 

You set seasons and times and told them when to make a grand entry. The autumns, springs, summers and winters all know when its time to make an appearance, like acting out a script and knowing your lines perfectly. Never for once have they gotten boring. I have never seen greenery emerge as a result of winter, neither have i seen a season when the rain got tired to pour down and asked summer to take over its shift while it rested.

Oh the beautiful flowers, trees and plants, with beautiful colors and designs. some soft and lush; others tall and strong. Some to give shade, some to beautify and others to give food. The roses, the orchids, the spinach, the bamboos together make a perfect picture and the excellence of creativity.
You made men with different races, different talents, different abilities and above all you made them like you. I look around at the diversity that is never confusing but overwhelming and i am speechless. the various languages, you taught us to speak. I stand in the middle of a park as i watch men, women, boys, girls, young, old, black, and white each with attributes that make them stand out. Who can create billions and yet none has and will ever have the same finger prints? Who tells the heart just how many times it has to beat in a day and tells each organs how to function? Color me astonished!!!!

Your love surrounds us, we feel it in every thing you made. You thought so much about us that you made provisions for even years to come. Your mercy and grace are as new as the day. Your comfort so strong even in times of despair. Your peace is so endearing even in the midst of trouble. We may sometimes forget to stop and admire all we are surrounded by, while we chase the vain things of life but never have you gotten fed up and took back all you gave us.  I could go on and on and talk about everything including the conception and delivery of babies, which happens to be one of the most profound and mind blowing miracles of all time.

Father, i realised for a long time, i never really stopped to look around and soak it all in. Its been a while i took time to be dazed by the wonders of your hands, to be brought to tears and flustered by the breathtaking and heart racing display of ingenuity. So when i stopped to think and see: i heard the oceans applaud you, i heard creation declare your grandeur, i saw the trees bow, i heard the birds sing your praise, i heard a child laugh, i felt the air caress my skin and i felt my heart beat with life; so i decided to write a letter in simple words to say THANK YOU!!!

Your loving Child.



  1. The beauty and strength of my papa *bbm dancing smiley*

    1. Tega you can say that again.....he is awesome *bbm dancing smiley*

  2. His awesomeness is mind blowing..the splendour..the grandeur..thanks Kemi

  3. Nice piece Kemi.
