Monday, 18 June 2012

Spoken Words.......

The heaviness in her heart sits very tight, "speak a word " she hears the still voice whisper. They wander in pain and tears, beaten and battered by life's blows, seeking strength and hope to go one more day...just one more day. They are not alone in their plight, she has been down that road many times, roads too bumpy and steep, plagued with challenges and despair. Everytime she found herself there, she wondered if anyone would ever understand what she feels, and if they did, "how would they help" she asked?

Some have held her hands, looked at her with sincerity and said '"you cant give up now, the morning is closer than you think". Although they acknowledge that they may not fully understand the situation, they believe in the power of sincere and genuine words straight from the heart; to heal and encourage.Words sometimes combed from the scriptures; reminding her that "hope maketh not ashamed" , "his thoughts are of good and not evil". 

Words borne from experiences of family and friends; near death situations, diseases, loss of jobs, childlessness and all things discouraging. Some get swallowed up or lose in the end , but with a smile and assurance they accept their fate, knowing that they fought the good fight and with a simple phrase such as "it is well" they surrender.

"Speak a word" she hears the still small voice say again. The world was formed with words, some have either held on or stood strong because of words. "What difference would the words i speak make" she asked ? once again the voice answered "They need to be encouraged, motivated, and inspired to keep on. Sincere words of hope drawn from experiences and the good book". "Not words coated with what they want to hear, but with openness and how you dealt with your storms". 

"You may not have all the answers" it said, but look around you and you will find answers, in the lives of family and friends who have triumphed against all odds". "It may not change the situation or make light the matter, but it will surely sow the seeds of hope and the zeal to keep fighting".
"Speak words of hope, faith and strength, because someone out there on the verge of giving up, needs it" .......and the small still voice ceased.

Use your words to build someone up and give them courage to go another day. 

Remember the power of life and death are in the tongue Proverbs 18:21.   


Kemi Gbadamosi

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Just Remember.........NOTHING.

 I don't have too many words today, just something which dropped in my spirit as i mulled over the events of the past few days.
It has been a really sad weekend , one engulfed by grief and tears. One cannot help but imagine how someone, somewhere is trying to cope with the tragic loss of a dear one (s). I sit in my small space and ask myself , what do you say to someone who is grieving? How do you make them feel better or take away the pain? I gave up on the questions as soon as i realized the answer was, Nothing! Yes , Nothing!

I know because i have felt grief before  and it is in those deep moments of despair and numbness that prayers not mere words come through. So i shut my eyes and whispered a prayer , hoping that comfort would find them. 

Who/What shall separate us from the love of God? 
Tribulations, Trials, Temptations, Pain, Tears or even Death ?
 Nothing ! 
He loved us before we knew what love was
 He loved us enough to send his son to die
His love is deeper than the Ocean , It is higher than the Mountains.
His love is Stronger than bound Chords 
So i know that NOTHING shall separate us from God's love ......

His Love prevails in times like this, wrapping the hurting soul like a warm blanket in winter; taking you one step at a time. 

Weeping may endure for a night but Joy will come in the morning.

